Tuesday, September 23, 2008

23 Sept 2008

David has grown so much since the last post. Every day brings a new discovery, and it's so exciting to see him learn about the world around him. Our newest discovery has been the kicking of the legs. Some of you may have seen our videos (if not, check out YouTube and search for 'drbustamante2020'), and in addition to kicking the parrot on the play mat, David now knows that he can kick the foot pads on his chair and make the music come on, and (even more fun), he found out he can kick his legs and make the water splash in the bathtub. In addition, bath-time is full of smiles these days. David has gone from the occasional random smile, to smiling back at you when you sing a song or smile at him. He loves to "talk" to his Papi on the phone, and often smiles when he hears Ronnie's voice. I've told him that we only have about 3 more months left until Papi comes home.
As if our boy wasn't cute enough as it is...he has now learned to suck his upper lip. I have no idea how he figured it out, but it's pretty hilarious...just check out the video...
Since I am back at work, David has been in Daycare with a wonderful girl named Michelle. She's a mother of 2, and has been watching children for 17 years. David is her only infant. She keeps telling me that he is such a good baby, and I can't disagree with her. Getting back into the swing of things at work has been a little difficult...only because I want to spend as much time with David as possible. Other than that, it's great. I'm hoping to fly in the FA-18's soon.
Ronnie's Unit recently suffered some tragic losses. They are coping well, but your prayers are appreciated. On a happy note, I am proud to report that Ronnie has recently received a great honor. General Petraeus (the former Commanding Officer in Iraq) sent Ronnie a coin, commending his outstanding performance while in Iraq. For those of you who aren't familiar with this military tradition, coins are sometimes given out by commanders as a sign of appreciation for a job well done. Rarely do you receive a coin from a 4-star General. Way to go, Ronnie!!

Thank you all for your love and support. Until the next post...