Monday, July 28, 2008

Back to the Sandbox

Well, Papi is back in Iraq. He left on a friday, and it took nearly 5 days to return to FOB Iskan and the comfortable 145 degrees of heat. It was hard to leave little David and Mommy. I wish that there could be more time to spend together and enjoy the new addition to the family. It was great having all the visitors from our family (ESPECIALLY TUTU AND KEPA!!) while Ronnie was home. We appreciate everyone being able to make the trip to spend some time with Ronnie and David, and you are all welcome to come anytime.

Ronnie is slowly adjusting to the time zone and the extreme heat. We get to email every day, but the phones haven't had a good connection. Sara has been sending pictures whenever she can. She was able to take a picture in front of the Neptune statue along the Virginia Beach boardwalk..... is it Neptune or Poseidon?? I don't know if we ever figured that one out..

We're just counting the days until we can be together again.

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