Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The past few weeks have been very exciting for us. On August 14th, we headed to Jacksonville to see Annie, Ryan, and Jackson. We enjoyed relaxing at their house, and got to meet Auntie Annie for lunch. We also drove to Savannah and stayed the night. David got to see the Tvrdy side of the family as well as meet Grandma, Pop Pop, and Alisa Jenkins. We had fun watching Uncle Joe play soccer and just hanging out with the family. We got back to Virginia Beach on the 19th, and Aunt Donna came to town to visit. Aunt Donna was such a great help, and even stayed up to do the night-time feedings 2 nights in a row. It's been so great having family around.

Since being home, we've had 2 baths where David has not cried at all. He's also smiling so much more, and responds to my voice and actions. He still loves to be held and cuddled, but is getting used to his chairs and swing and will often fall asleep in them. He loves our daily runs, but will immediately wake up when the stroller is not moving. His night-time "naps" are getting longer and he often sleeps for 5 hour stretches. I'm hoping he'll be sleeping through the night soon.

We are looking forward to Tutu coming tomorrow. She will be staying for a month and will help take care of David when I go back to work on the 2nd. Ronnie is doing well in Iraq, and is going over his future career options. We all can't wait for him to come home as soon as possible.

2 comments: said...

He is adorable! I can't believe how much he has grown since we first met him. I love you both.

Donna B said...

And I would stay up again for both of you!!! Love you!!Donna.
PS I send your uniform stars via snail mail. Hope they arrive soon.