Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, Everyone! We've had some exciting changes since the last post. David has found his hands and has learned that he can use them to play with toys. This has been especially exciting for me, as I had mistakenly expected this from the time he was born. :) He's learning new things everyday...he reaches for things with his hands and follows me with his eyes around the room. Of course I made sure he is up to date on his eye exams...they look wonderful.

We were able to go to Savannah on the weekend of the 18th for our friend, Olivia's wedding. Not only were we able to attend the event, but we were also able to visit with friends and family there. David did excellent on the plane rides, only fussing a little on the last flight since he was super tired.

Since then, Aunt Donna and cousin Rebekah have visited, as well as Ms. Emily, one of my dear friends from high school. David enjoyed watching High School Musical 3 with his cousin. We had a good Halloween...David dressed up a monkey and we went trick-or-treating with our neighbors. David also had his first trip to the Zoo, which he absolutely loved. I think his favorite part was seeing the buffalos!

David has been doing well with his baby sitter, Michelle. He loves his toys and loves being with the other boys at day care. He is almost ready to roll over on his own. We will go in for his 4 month check up on the 19th. I'm excited to see how much he weighs...he has definitely filled out. He quickly outgrew most of his 3mo's clothes and we have moved on the the 6mo items.

I am doing well...staying busy with work. I would love nothing more than to stay home with David, but I couldn't ask for a better job. I get to see patients in the clinic as well as get my flight hours and experience things from their point of view. The other day, I experienced 'motion sickness' first hand in a T-34 flight. :)

Ronnie is staying busy in Iraq, and we are now counting down the WEEKS until he comes home. We are expecting an arrival date sometime around 18 Dec!! It seems to have gone by so "fast", but when I think back to when he first left, it seems so long ago.

Until next time...


Turner Family said...

SARA! David is precious! Keep the posts coming! I love to keep up with you! I'm really REALLY glad that Ronnie will be home so soon! I really hope that the dates are on time so that he can enjoy the wonder of David's first Christmas.

Much Love!

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